Browse Items (51 total)

Letter from Mosby Sheppard to James Monroe

A Letter from Mosby Sheppard to James Monroe warning him of Gabriel’s Conspiracy after two enslaves men owned by Moore leaked the conspiracy.

Laws Affecting Blacks in Manhattan

A list of laws relating to black people that were written in Manhattan from early colonization by the Dutch and British to the founding of the United States and pre-Civil War era.

Intra-American Slave Trade

The image shows most of North and South America. It vaguely shows how the countries and states within North and South America are split up today.

Insurrection on Board a Slave Ship

This image shows a slave ship with guns being fired on captives

Icon with Christ Pantepotes and the Chorus of Saints
This detail of a steatite icon carved in relief depicts a crucified Christ blessing Constantine and his mother Helena.

Hunting Indians in Florida with Bloodhounds

A dramatization of tactics used by Zachary Taylor against the Seminole Indians. In this image, American soldiers are searching for fleeing Seminoles with help of bloodhounds. The American troops are on horseback and foot traveling through the carnage…

Horrid Massacre in Virginia

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A composite of scenes illustrating Nat Turner's Rebellion

Hagia Sophia Vestibule Mosaic
This image depicts Constantine I as a donor who is presenting a small representation of Hagia Sophia to the Virgin (at her left, with Justinian at her right). The mosaic is located in the southwest vestibule of Hagia Sophia.

Gouverneur Morris / H.B. Hall.

1 print : engraving. | Gouverneur Morris, half-length portrait, facing right.